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Online worker-Virtual entrepreneur | NeoBux | Earnings Tips & Tricks

Online worker-Virtual entrepreneur
Income Online

Work - Entrepreneurship Online. Build income-producing systems using network-connected devices.

Easy, convenient, handy, wherever you are.

Click / click, select, complete, share, learn, have fun, laugh, compete, it generates content.

Ways and means, as many as the human imagination and creativity are able to create. Proven formulas available, at the distance of a click.

Online worker-Virtual entrepreneur
Ingresos en línea

Trabajar - Emprender en línea. Construye sistemas que generen ingresos usando dispositivos conectados a la red.

Fácil, sencillo, cómodo, práctico, donde estés.

Clica/Cliquea, selecciona,completa, rellena, comparte, aprende, divierte, ríe, compite, genera contenido.

Formas y maneras, tantas como la creatividad e imaginación humana son capaces de crear. Fórmulas probadas y disponibles, a la distancia de un clic.


What is NeoBux?
NeoBux is a free worldwide service available in both English and Portuguese.

service is to allow advertisers to get thousands of potential customers
showing their advertisements in NeoBux and allows users to get money to
see this ad.

NeoBux users click on the advertising of advertisers and we see for the time specified by the advertiser.
After viewing the ad, users receive a predetermined amount of diniero our NeoBux account.

No need to pay to start earning.

How do I register?
To register we have to click "Register"(Top right) or directly here.

Once this is done we will be directed here:

We refill the following:
Username (User name), here we have to write your nick or user name.
"Nickname" you want to have in NeoBux and later will be used to identify
and enter into our account.
- Password (Password), here we enter the
password you want to use to identify and change important settings in
your account. Only allow letters and numbers and a length of between 4
and 20 characters.
- Password confirmation (Confirm password), here we enter the old password again.
Email (Email address), here we write our email address. It must be real
because confimación subsequently requested to know the address you
entered corresponds with ours. Not sent any spam, so do not worry that
after bombard you e-mails.
- AlertPay / PayPal email (E-Alertpay /
PayPal), here plays to our e-alertpay or paypal. Can be changed later.
If you do not have either put our email address written in the previous
- Referer (Reference), here we put the user name of the person
who has invited you to NeoBux. In case you have not invited anyone is
left blank.
- Birth year (Birth year), here we write our year of
birth. Real one should be introduced because in case of problems with
the account will be the first thing we ask for is not listed anywhere
else once registered.
- Image verification (Image verification), here we write the letters in the image to confirm you're not a robot.

that the data entered is correct and go to "CONTINUE". Now we are
directed to another page to confirm that the email made are correct:

Validation code for (Validation code), here we introduce the code (copy
and paste) that NeoBux has sent to the email account you put the time
of registration.
- Image verification (Image verification), here we write the letters in the image to confirm you're not a robot.

We verified that we have written it and click on "FINISH REGISTRATION".

Now we have our NeoBux account and we can start using it!

You might even do them well check image tells you that is incorrect
("Enter the text Shown on the image below.". No matter, go back to write
the image until you put it as correct.

Identified in our account
Once we've created an account NeoBux we can start using it. To do this we must first identify.
We have to click on "Login" (top right) or directly here.

Once this is done we will be directed here:

- Username (User name), here we write the username ("nick" or "nickname" we chose at registration.
- Password (Password), here we write the password you chose during registration.
Secondary password(Secondary password), the first time that we identify
ourselves and until we choose a second password field must be left
blank. This is important.
- Verification code (Verification code), here we write the letters in the image to confirm you're not a robot.

Verify that the data entered are correct and click on "LOGIN."

If we wrote everything correctly we will see a page like this:

Now we can access all features of our own and start making money.

Familiarity with the environment
Once we identified in our account the following:

In this picture we see in the top right and circled in red as a kind of menu that will be with us forever.
- View Advertisements (See ad), click here we will go to the area from which we see advertising and paid for it.
- Jackpots (Lotteries), playing here we go to different types of lottery NeoBux offers. THIS IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE
- MegaJackpot (Mega lottery) Click here go to the "megalotería" of NeoBux. THIS IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE
- Chat (Chat) by clicking here opens up another window with a chat to communicate among users.
Forum (Forum) by clicking here we go to the forum where we can see
proof of payment, to learn of the latest and resolve all doubts.
- Proxes (Username) by clicking on your username accesses the account management.
- $ 106,361 (Principal balance), it means the money has now earned on the account.
$ 0,003 (Renting balance), this leaves us only golden members. It
indicates how much money we have in stock exclusively for handling
- Ultimate Golden (Type of membership), indicates the type of membership they have.
- This image serves to close the session and leave our own.

Start making money
Once we have identified and have entered into our account we are able to make money from it.

Go to "View Advertisements" (top right) or directly here.
This will lead to the page from which you can see ads and make money with it:

you can see appears a sort of table. Each row of the table has a
separate announcement. In my case are 15 but in yours appear around 4.

I understand correctly the first ad that will appear to be the "Windows
Casino". To view the ad must click on the title of "Windows Casino" and
then the red button that appears:

No more clicking this button opens a new browser window and can see the following:

the picture we see two areas. The target is where the ad appears and
up, surrounded by a red ellipse, we see that it says "Waiting for the
slideshow to load ..." which means "Waiting for it to load the ad ...".
Once fully charged the ad show a progress bar:

When the progress bar ends will have to appear like this:

we can close the window of this ad and do the same with the rest. If we
close the window before the progress bar ends will not give us money.

In this way we can win every day a minimum of 4 cents. What a year for a total of $ 14.60

Can you win more or I can just win that?
Of course you can earn more money, with the referrals.

Rent referrals to earn more money
Referrals, which are referrals?
A referral is someone who works for you.

A referral gets what everyone when they see your ads: Money!
But, if a user sees your ad is your referral, you also get money.

short, a referral is another person, NeoBux users like us, that every
time you see an ad and it makes money it makes you money you too.

There are two types of referrals and get them three ways:

Direct Referral:
Those who register by putting your username as your "Referrer".

Referred rented:
You will rent.

So how do I get referrals?
Here are three ways:

-Use the banner:
banner is an image or a link you can use on any website and, when
people click and then automatically logs appear as your referrals. The
banner you can get it by clicking on your username then "Banners" to the
left or by clicking directly here.

Just tell everyone to register with NeoBux and write your username in the field of "Referrer" (reference) to register.

can rent referrals work for you. You have nothing to do but pay NeoBux
to give you referrals. Referrals that you purchase are "active", meaning
they have made at least 10 clicks over the past 5 days.
The prices of those per month are:

How to rent referrals?
For rent referrals first let the admin panel of our account by clicking on your username or directly from here.
A page like this:
This image has-been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.

We have to click on "Renting balance" circled in red in the picture or we can go directly by clicking here.

This image has-been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.

Now we can choose 3 ways to pay:
- Use the money we have been gaining in NeoBux (the minimum is 1 $).
- Using PayPal (the minimum is $ 5 and must be verified PayPal account.)
- Use AlertPay (the minimum is 5 $).

Punctured in which we want, choose the amount you want and then click the "image" that comes just above the return.

we put the money in the lease balance going to the aforementioned page
by clicking on the button that appears just below your username in the
administration page or directly from our own here.

We chose the amount of referrals we want to buy and confirm.

we, in our admin panel by clicking on "Rented referrals" or directly
from hereSee a list of our referrals hired some of their statistics:
This image has-been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.

In the table you can see several columns:
Referral: Means referral. Here is the user name of your referral or, in
case you have hidden a number that identifies you anonymously.
- Your referral since: It means "You referred from." Here is what day you acquired this referral.
- Next payment: Means "Next payment." Displays the last day you have to repay this referral or you will lose.
- Last click: It means "last click". Displays the day when your referral was the last click.
- Avg: Comes from "Average" and means "average." Shows the average clicks per day you have your referral.

renting a referral it is yours for 30 days. At 30 days late must pay
for it again in another month if you want to remain part of your team.
What to pay for it so as to renew the rent to you based on the amount of
referrals you have:

It is very important to know that when
you have referred to do clicks every day for the next day will be
credited with the clicks of your referrals. If one day you do not click
on the following day no you will not be credited any of the clicks your
referrals make. This can be read in more detail in Section 3.7 of the
Terms of Service NeoBux.

NeoBux types of memberships
At NeoBux there are 3 types of memberships (three types of account):
Standard: All those who register in NeoBux. The basic membership is not
required to pay any money to get it. The least advantages.
Pioneer: All those users who registered in NeoBux before its official
release. It is free but can not be achieved. Has a unique advantage over
standard members and that those will come out cheaper.
- Golden: You
have to pay $ 90 (currently) to get it. Any user can pay and get it. It
has many advantages, such as $ 0.01 for each click normal referrals,
referrals still cheaper than for the pioneer, $ 0.02 for each click
widespread than you do, individual statistics for each referral, to see
the lease balance in the pages and ads (9 per day minimum). (I think I
will not leave any).

There are also some extensions called
"golden packs" for membership golden adding impressive features. On this
page you can see all your improvements and their costs:
Golden packs

How do I get money from my bank NeoBux?
Come into play on payment processors are Paypal and AlertPay now. Depending on the country in which we find will suit us either.

Start with PayPal:
to send money from PayPal NeoBux is necessary to have a verified PayPal
account. Contario It can not do the transaction.
To send money to NeoBux you do not need PayPal account verified.

Also be careful with the country of that is because PayPal does not work at all. List of countries permitted by PayPal.

- To register can be done from here.
chose the country and language and a little below "Personal Account."
This is free and we do not charge fees for transactions. Also from here
you can choose any of the other later. Fill all the information you
requested and ready. Needless to associate any card or bank account at
least for now.

- Once we have created a PayPal account can send
money from NeoBux PayPal. In PayPal we can link your bank account or
send a check to our home we can charge virtually any bank.
To receive money from Neobux Paypal do not have to be verified

Now it's the turn of AlertPay:
should be noted that no account need be verified or to get money or to
remove it from NeoBux NeoBux to Alertpay. You can do anything without

- To register can be done from here.
We chose
the country, "personal starter on the type of account, we give"Next"And
fill as you ask.'s Weakness AlertPay is only available in English.
Needless to associate any card or bank account upon registration. It is
also free.

- Once you have created the account in AlertPay can
send money to NeoBux AlertPay. AlertPay we can link your bank account or
send a check to our home we can charge virtually any bank.

How do I request payment?
request payment you just have to have passed the minimum amount of
money earned necessary. This amount is $ 2 at the beginning. Once we
ordered our first payment becomes $ 3 minimum quantity. When we ask
other charge becomes $ 4, the third charge the minimum amount necessary
to make the next payment is $ 5. So on until it reaches $ 10 minimum
amount necessary to ask NeoBux pay us. Once you reach $ 10 remains.

If we have already exceeded the minimum amount we will request the payment button in green:

on the button circled in red and a window will appear where you have to
choose PayPal or AlertPay. We chose the one we like and we will see a
confirmation window. We watched our address is correct because if not
you can get the money to another. And if everything is OK go to "YES."

And presto, within seconds have the money in our account PayPal or AlertPay.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much will I earn for each ad they see?
Depends on the type of ad you've seen and the type of account you have.

At NeoBux there are currently two types of announcements:
Normal-Ads: Are we usually see. They view white background and give us 1 cent each.

These ads the advertisers who want to place your ad call attention to
the rest. They have a blue background. A golden users are paid to $ 0.02
while the pioneer and standard pay them $ 0,015.

How much will I earn for each ad they see my referrals?
Depends on the type of account you own and the type of ad you've seen your referral.

Gold members receive $ 0.01 for each normal click of your referrals and $ 0.02 for each click your referrals extended.

Standard and pioneer members receive $ 0,005 for each normal click of your referrals and $ 0.01 for each click Extended.

How many ads I can get to see?
Depends on the type of account you have.

Standard and pioneer members have at least 4 ads per day currently. The golden instead have a minimum of 9 ads per day.

the day you can still see some ads that are putting other advertisers
but not last as long as the above assets. So depending on the number of
ads that put the advertisers set the number of ads we can come to

What do I have to wait to get paid?
All you have
to do is get to the limit to request payment is now $ 2. This limit is
up, this means that for the second payment shall not exceed $ 3 for the
third payment will be $ 4 ... up to $ 10 which is where it remains.

Once the limit has been reached only have to request payment and it will arrive instantly to your PayPal account or AlertPay.

What is AutoPay?
autopay cost varies depending on the type of account and the amount of
referrals you have and what to know how much you pay in each case must
review this table:

When we rented a referral is 30 days. In 30
days must return to pay again if we want to keep working for us. NeoBux
provides some statistics on each referral:

In this case and
highlighted in red can be seen that two of my referrals will have to pay
in 11 days and the third in 91 days if I want to continue with them.
Not have to be so aware of having to pay my referrals is the autopay.

autopay used to be holding the next payday referrals. The ventanja you
have is that eventually you can save up to 10% in the maintenance!

It works as follows:
referring your next rent payment date will be 30 days. Well, suppose
that a referral does not click the first day then the next rent the next
day will be at 29! The first day he could not clicker, but the second
and if so the clicker, you deduct $ 0,006 for his first day here and
your next payment is increased by one so that you will 30. Spend the day
and was down to 29, again click will take away $ 0,006 and up to 30.
Spend the day and down to 29, but not click (do not take away money).
Spend the day and drops to 28, click and take away $ 0,006 and up to 29.
Spend the day and drops to 28 ... etc.

In summary:
- For every click first day of your referral and take away $ 0,006 in 1 day you increase your next payday.
- If you do not take away money clicka and do not increase that day.
Only works with that concerned if your next pay day is greater than or
equal to 20. Does not work for the referral, for the rest if!
- You save 10%: 0.006 * 30 = $ 0.18 instead of $ 0.20

Facts to consider:
- In neobux referrals are rented for 30 days. When your next payday reaches 0 then remove you from your list.
- You pay a month for your referrals when you want.

Remember to substitute the 0006 for your correct amount according to the table.

How do I recycle my referrals?
a referral has a cost of $ 0.08 per referral recycling. Only be
recycled to the said leased and when we do every referral they give us
is a referral "active." With active, I mean that has made at least 10
clicks over the past 5 days.

To recycle a referral only have to click on the green arrows are in the same row: and then confirm by clicking "YES".

Why should not I credited the clicks of my referrals?
this situation occurs it is usually because it has not clicked (or at
least not enough) the previous day. According to section 3.7 of the
terms of service if one day you click on the following day you will not
be credited for the referral clicks. You have to put some attention to
the clicks by time NeoBux server and not according to our local time.

we are not being credited the clicks of our referrals can look on our
main administrator account which can be accessed by clicking on your
username or directly from here and check that the top chart of the two
displayed the day before the current has a click. If we did put 0 clicks
then this is the reason that there are proving to us.

I have turned on autopay and yet I'm referring, why?
autopay only works for those referrals that are more than 20 days to
your next payment. Also, if a referral clicks one day does not increase
the autopay your next payday so you will one day closer. If you do very
often clicks at the end will come a day where you have to pay again.

Why do my referrals have weird names?
a referral is a name like "R123456" means that for personal reasons has
your user name hidden. All of us can hide our user name at any time for
the rest of people do not know who we are. Whether the reason (use
NeoBux from work, extra protection ...). To hide our name we've come to
the personal choices of our own and look for "Show my username# X22; and
put NO. We went down to the bottom and put the image verification.

Do I pay if I hire someone else?
No. Only the person who receives cash rent, the rest get nothing.

What are jackpots?
A jackpot is a lottery. There are 100 numbers and those who want to buy at the price set by the board.

If you win you get a prize (prize in English) determined on the same page of the jackpot.

and go shopping when there are no more to buy it and leave the draw the
5 winners. If you are among one of them will automatically add the
prize to your account.

Currently there are 4 types of jackpots.
Two of them are money (Jackpot MiniJackpot) and the other two earn
referrals (Referral MiniReferral Jackpot and Jackpot).

megajackpot is a lottery that takes place weekly. Will buy shares and
every Sunday at 00:00 server is the draw. What you earn depends on the
tickets have been sold. The more tickets there are more boat.

What is the "balance Renting?
"Renting balanceIs a balance that serves only to rent more referrals
and to pay the costs have already caused the (recycling, paying for
another month ...). The money from this balance can not be removed from
there and also can be used to jackpots play or buy golden membership.

When I can go back to my ads clicker?
Each has a different time. To look at yours you have to click "View Advertisements(Top) and that leaves you in a white box:

Since that time we can again make our clicks. That hour is based on our local time.

You can ask in chat neobux (top right of neobux) or NeoBux Forum (There is always someone to help

With Proxes NeoBux Forum for this tutorial 
Online worker-Virtual entrepreneur

Ingresos en Línea-Emprendimiento Virtual

Gmail | F  wrk2ln | T @wrk2ln | G+ Online worker-Virtual Entrepreneur

Follow the links, affiliate and become an online entrepreneur building networks that generate income

Sigue los enlaces, afíliate y conviértete en un Emprendedor en Línea construyendo redes que generan ingresos

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