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5 Real Ways to Make Money Online From Home - ABC News

 Online worker-Virtual entrepreneur

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5 Real Ways to Make Money Online From Home - ABC News

5 Real Ways to Make Money Online

ABC News

It pays to cast your financial net online, where possibilities abound.
Monetizing your expertise -- whether in social networking or
transcribing -- is one way to make money while sitting at your computer
at home. But others also are popping up, such as taking online surveys
or even predicting election results.
The good part: You don't have to pay a dime. And with some sites, you
can start to make money online immediately. Most of these gigs are
small, steady streams of cash. But they can add up to steady earnings
over time.
To avoid scams, forget unknown or untested sites with big promises.
"Find out if the site is legitimate," says Nick Mokey, associate editor
of "How long has it been around? And what are they
asking you to do?"
Also, keep a clock running so you can maximize your income without
wasting your time. Follow these rules, and you'll find the Internet
awash in moneymaking opportunities.
Pitch products online
Pitching other people's products is one of the Internet's best-paying gigs.
One method is being an affiliate at a mega-site such as,
where commissions are up to 25 percent. Anytime anyone buys a product
you're pitching, you get a cut. And you can choose from more than a
million products, including gift cards or computers.
At ClickBank, commissions are even higher -- up to 75 percent -- and
there are more than 50,000 products to choose from. Signing up is free.
On the downside, some ClickBank products can be of poor quality, says
Bethany Mooradian, owner of So some products
are easier to pitch than others. One solution is to buy the product
ahead of time to assess its quality, she says.

Dish out answers
If you're an information junkie, this gig is for you.
There are several to choose from to make money online. At
and, you become an expert after taking a brief test. At
these websites, a customer asks a question and receives an answer from
an "expert." At kgbanswers, answers come via your smartphone. At
JustAnswers, answers come via email or text message. Both offer
subscription and per-question alternatives.
Brainiacs are also welcome at ChaCha, which pays you small amounts of
money for completing guide tasks. Advice runs the gamut from solving
puzzles to answering questions on set subjects. Payouts can be small but
Building a following on ChaCha is the hardest part, though, Mooradian
says. The reason: You're listed along with 62,000 other experts. Also,
ChaCha rates are pretty slim, ranging from 1 cent to 20 cents per task.
Though savvy experts can make money online, don't give up your day job.

Perform a microgig
You can offer your services online at task marketplaces such as or At fiverr, workers fulfill tasks starting at
$5 per job. offers a similar service. It has launched its
first storefront in San Francisco but has workers performing tasks all
around the U.S.
Or, even better, head to Amazon Mechanical Turk,
or, says Mokey. More than 200,000 tasks are listed there to
make money online, with varying pay and work requirements. Once a task
is completed, payments are deposited in your Amazon Payments account.
"In the worldwide marketplace of today, your skills can be used for
anything, including mapping," Mokey says. However, you're also competing
against people in developing nations who are willing to work for
pennies, he says.
To maximize earnings, evaluate tasks carefully.
Can you make accurate predictions?
Are you good at forecasting election results or the price of gold?
Then predictive sites are for you. Introduced by the Chicago Board Options Exchange
in 2008, binary options are financial contracts that let you earn money
by predicting the rise or fall of financial assets. You can buy them at
binary option brokers.
The website Intrade is another twist in prediction-making. You can
predict hundreds of events -- such as presidential election results or Academy Award
winners -- by buying shares if you think the event will happen or
selling shares if you think it won't happen. If your prediction is
accurate, you make money. If it isn't, you lose money.
"Some power users buy thousands of shares at a time," says Carl
Wolfenden, exchange operations manager at Dublin-based
"Others put $50 down and hold their shares. It's a lot of fun."
You should be warned that you can lose your entire investment, Wolfenden
says. On the winning side, your money-making potential is unlimited.
Take an online survey
Put your money where your mouth is by giving advertisers your opinions.
To find a job, head to websites such as, or, Mooradian says. They offer points
and rewards for taking wide-ranging opinion surveys.
Another site,, will pay you for being part of online mock
juries, Mooradian says. EJurors are paid $5 to $10 per verdict.
The attorney prepares the case submission, which consists of facts from
the perspective of each party. EJury converts the attorney's case
submission into an HTML format and posts it to a secure location on the
website where only eJurors can access the case. EJurors review the facts
of the case and answer questions, each clicking a "submit verdict"
button upon completion.
But don't expect big paydays. "Surveys are good for making pocket
change," Mooradian says. "Payouts are only pennies to a few dollars per
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